Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 2

This whole 3 hour time difference is getting old, really fast!  I don't know how all those jet setter types deal with this on a regular basis!
The competitions are in very full swing--I honestly haven't paid a ton of attention to who moved on to the finals today, (except of course in Young Artist Tuba, which I am in charge of)  I hear a ton of North Texas euphoniumists have moved on to the finals, and that the UGA quartet moved on, but other than that........I've just not paid attention ( I guess that makes me a bad attendee)  I'll give a more full reporting of the one I'm in charge of later, after the finals are done, but I can say we heard some wonderful performances yesterday.
We had an initial ITEA Board of Directors meeting yesterday, with at least one meeting per day planned during the conference--many things to talk about and make plans for.  I feel, very honestly, we're on the cusp of finishing up many transitional things and are about to be in a period of customer service previously unattained. 
It's been great to see so many friends, thus far, and I know many more are arriving today.  Judging with James Gourlay and Les Neish today in the finals, which will be a wonderful experience I'm sure.  I'll also be helping out with the Miraphone booth along and along through the week, so if you're around the conference you might find me there.  It seems things are going very well thus far (not without snags, (none of these do that.....) but the ones that I've heard about have been resolved very quickly and efficiently.)
We officially open the conference at 12 today, and then we'll be on a 6 day non-stop run.
more to follow........

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Yeah Doc, try being SIX hours ahead here in Spain!. It's hard to talk to friends/family when it's that much of a span. (But I'm having a lot of fun, so I can't complain!) Hope your summer is going well! <3